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Who is Nicole Haught?

Nicole Haught - What do we know about Nicole?

Very little or nothing. We know it was one of the best cadets in the police course. We know that her physical and professional qualities have raised the professional skills. Nedley (with knowledges at the top of the hierarchy police) had a hard job to convince her to join the Purgatory squad. We know that Nicole married in Las Vegas with a lady doctor, in an act that reveals a precipitation that we do not recognize.

Crossing the s1 we saw a "rookie"Nicole, shy and reserved, but knowing very well what she wants from life. Uncomplicated homosexual do not hide by subterfuge or people and face all situations in a vertical way, even if this is worth some serfs from the sheriff. Nicole is intelligent, insightful and selfless.

She's kind, but she do not have familiar relations or friends. She's a lonely person who seeks to be part of any group where she can feel useful and desired.

She lives with a cat but we do not know what food she likes, witch music she hears, what she reads or what moviesshe see. In short, we already know that the character was created to be an unexplored character because it was intended that her stay in the series should be short (Kat Barrell said that her initial contract would contemplate 6 ep, only).

The need to feel included in a group leads her to pursue professional challenges, such as the SIS (later BBD) assumed by Xavier Dolls with whom Nicole tried to fit in several times presenting herself as helpful police demonstrating willingness to actively participate in investigations conducted by the government organization. This will is also demonstrated in the various conversations with the Sheriff in which he expresses her willingness to be included in the investigation team.

Could this need can be camouflage? Starting season 3 the spectrum of Purgatory's agent now assumes contours we never imagined. Nicole stopped being the young, uncomplicated, focused cop. Steeped in a relationship that would never have been in the minds of the fans of the show, Nicole suddenly emerges as an ally of BBD agent Dolls, as if sharing a national strategic secret of the style of the conspiracy's most dramatic theories. Suddenly all eyes turn to sweet Nicole as if understanding the Earp curse was the special mission of the most important FBI agent camouflaged agent and a matter of the utmost importance in terms of national defense.

The choice of her romantic pair (Waverly) may have a justification in the light of psychology: The exclusion that appears to have endured throughout life may have catalyzed feelings of protection over others, especially about people they consider vulnerable. Waverly's fragile and fragile physiognomy seems to match what Nicole looks for and needs: someone who desperately needs her protection and help to feel included in a group. The fact is that the discovery of a Waverly that is a force of nature has been translated into tachycardias that generate annoyances and arguments.

Nicole is that girl whose dream is to be the princess who commands the squadron of knights through hostile terrain, full of traps and dangers to save her imprisoned queen in the highest tower of the castle.

What do you think about Nicole?

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